
West Ham Academy coach, FA Coach Developer and University lecturer.

I am currently a Player and Coach Developer currently working within the Elite Player Performance Plan (EPPP) at West Ham United as an Academy Coach and for the Football Association (FA) as a Coach Developer.

My previous roles include working at Tottenham Hotspur FC as an Academy Coach, where I worked across all age groups.

I currently hold the FA Advanced Youth Award (YDP), the FA UEFA B Licence in Coaching Football and a FA UEFA B Licence in Coaching Futsal. Alongside my FA qualifications, I hold a B.Sc. Sport Exercise Science, as well as an M.Sc. in Performance Football Coaching.

I am part of the Lecturing and Research team at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, with course leadership in football coaching and development. I have a record of working with numerous age groups and ability levels over a 17-year coaching career. I have experience in PE (primary and secondary), sport further education (16–19), and most recently, higher education.

I believe my work adopts a holistic, player-centred approach to development. I am an advocate of constraint-led and game-based learning, focusing on theoretical approaches to underpin player development.

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